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How can I start receiving notifications for my patients/members that have been tested for COVID-19?

There are two ways you can be notified about your patients/members that have been tested for COVID-19. You can choose to receive positive COVID-19 lab results in the MX Notify platform or you can choose to receive all COVID-19 lab results in a .csv file.

New MX Notify Platform Users

To receive notifications about positive COVID-19 lab results on the MX Notify platform, please follow these steps:

  1. Reach out to a customer success representative at and indicate “COVID-19 notifications” in the subject line of your email. Customer Success will prioritize requests that are specific to COVID-19. In the body of your email request to be set up with COVID-19 notifications and include a list of the names and email addresses of the individuals who should have access to the positive COVID-19 notifications. MX Notify also provides notifications on hospital events (ED visits and inpatient admissions/discharges). Let your Customer Success representative know if you are interested in receiving hospital notifications in addition to COVID-19 notifications.

  2. Send MX your organization’s patient panel via SFTP. Your Customer Success representative will walk you through what needs to be included and how to send it.

  3. MX will create the user accounts and send the login credentials to the users’ email addresses.

  4. Once the panel is received and loaded into Notify, and users have been credentialed and assigned access, users will begin to see notifications in the platform when a patient/member on the panel tests positive for COVID-19.

Current Notify Users

If you’re currently receiving notifications in the MX Notify platform and would like to add COVID-19 notifications to your list, please email your Customer Success representative and include “COVID-19 notifications” in the subject line of your email. Please note, if you choose to add positive COVID-19 test results to your current Notify subscription, the notifications will be mixed in with the listing of hospital admission and discharge notifications. Your Customer Success representative will show you how to create a filter to separate your COVID-19 lab notifications from your hospital event notifications.

New .csv Users

To receive a daily batch of notifications about positive and negative COVID-19 lab results as a .csv file, please follow these steps:

  1. Reach out to a Customer Success representative at and indicate “COVID-19 CSV” in the subject line of your email. Customer Success will prioritize requests that are specific to COVID-19. In the body of your email request to receive the .csv file with COVID-19 lab results. Please include the name and email address of the person who will access the .csv file.

  2. MX will create an SFTP account for your organization where the daily batch file will be securely delivered. MX will send the SFTP login credentials to the email address you provide in step 1. After receiving the credentials, login to (the SFTP site) and send MX your organization’s patient panel. Your Customer Success representative will walk you through what that needs to include.

  3. Once the panel is accepted, the user will start receiving daily .csv files delivered to the SFTP site. These will be delivered each morning at 7am and you should expect to receive the file within a few minutes after delivery. Please note that each day’s file will contain only the new COVID-19 lab results that MX has received for patients/members on the panel during the prior 24-hour period.

Current .csv Users

If you’re currently receiving notifications in a .csv file and would like to start receiving a .csv file for COVID-19 lab notifications for one or more of your panels, please email your Customer Success representative and indicate “COVID-19 CSV” in the subject line of your email.

  • Guest
  • May 1 2020
  • Published
  • Attach files