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How do I extract patient data from my Glenwood Systems EHR?

You can extract patient information from your Glenwood Systems electronic health record (EHR) in order to receive notifications for these patients in MX Notify. To extract patient data from the Glenwood Systems EHR system, follow these steps:

  1. Click EMR drop-down

  2. Click Chart Center

  3. Click Advanced Search (on left side)

  4. Click Settings and choose patient details (patient name, account #, address, etc.). Un-click Appointment and Insurance details (all, except Appointment Date)

  5. Click Criteria and select Appointments, time frame = Between, and set appropriate 18-month period in From and To

  6. Click Search

  7. Click More Actions drop-down and select Export to CSV.

  8. Save to Desktop

  9. Locate the file and verify the contents and format are correct.

You will have now successfully extracted your patients information from your EHR system. To get notifications in real-time whenever these patients have encounters, please submit your patient panel list via the MX SFTP site.

  • Guest
  • Jan 27 2020
  • Published
  • Attach files