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What MX Access Audit Reports are available by request?

You can request MX Access Audit Reports by sending an email to MX Support. Manifest MedEx can provide your organization or facility with the following reports:


  1. Audit Log

Audit logs provide a list of events performed by users in your organization or facility.
Examples of events include: Login/out, login failed attempts, patient search, viewing patient’s medical record, and patient consent updates.

Use case: As an organization admin, you can see which users in your organization accessed patient’s medical records to determine how the system is being utilized. This can be helpful for privacy/security and productivity analysis.


  1. VIP Audit Log

VIP Audit Logs provide user activity by facility and by user, for VIP patients only. VIP patients are flagged in the admission, discharge, transfer (ADT) message, which causes them to be included in the report.

Examples of user activity include: Users who accessed medical records of VIP patients and the date the records were accessed.

Use case: As a privacy officer, you can see which users accessed the medical records of VIP patients, so you can ensure it was warranted.


  1. Clinical Data Access Report

Clinical Data Access Report provides a list of all users who accessed a specific patient’s medical record.

Examples of clinical data access include: Users who have accessed a specific patient’s medical record.

Use case: As a privacy officer, you can see the list of users who have accessed a specific patient to ensure it was warranted.


  1. Admin Audit log

The Admin Audit log report captures activities done by administrators as part of user account management, as well as the overall status of user accounts.

Examples include: Which admin user created the user accounts, how many active accounts there are, when the accounts were created, how many accounts of a specific roles there are, how many accounts are active/inactive
Use case: As an organization admin, you can see how many clinician accounts have been created in each of my facilities and can ensure that only the right accounts are established.

To request a report:

  1. Send an email to MX Support:
  2. In the subject line write ‘Audit log for “[enter your facility/organization]”
  3. In the body include:
    1. Report name(s)
    2. Date range
    3. User (if applicable)
    4. Patient (if applicable)
    5. Event type
    6. Report format (HTML, PDF, or XML)
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  • Aug 30 2018
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