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How do I know if a patient has opted-out of MX Access?

California is an opted-out state, meaning all patients are opted in by default. However, patients can choose to opt out of the HIE. To see if a patient has opted-out, please follow these steps:


1.Log in to MX Access. On the homepage, search for a patient by entering their name or MRN.

Note: You must enter a minimum of the patient’s First Name (at least 2 characters) AND the patient’s Last Name (at least 2 characters) or the patient’s MRN AND Facility. If you choose to enter both the Patient’s Name and the MRN/Facility, the system will default to display the results based on the MRN/Facility.

2. A list of patients will appear under the search results. If the patient has opted-out you will see that noted under Consent, located to the far right of the screen.

Note: Only minimum information is used to identify a patient, no medical details are included in the patient search results when a patient has opted-out.

3. If the patient has opted-out, you will not be able to access their medical record.

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  • Jul 30 2018
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