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How do I view patient allergies in MX Access?

Recorded allergies are displayed in a patient's summary. Mild and severe allergic reactions are designated with the following icons: and . To view patient's allergies, please follow these steps:

1. Log in to MX Access. On the homepage, search for a patient by entering their name or MRN.

Note: You must enter a minimum of the patient’s First Name (at least 2 characters) AND the patient’s Last Name (at least 2 characters) or the patient’s MRN AND Facility. If you choose to enter both the Patient’s Name and the MRN/Facility, the system will default to display the results based on the MRN/Facility.

2. Select the patient of interest and click View Selected Patient Records.

3. Allergies are displayed on the patient's summary page. The full list of recorded allergies can be viewed by clicking on the Allergies tab.

4. A list of the patient's allergies will be displayed on the screen.

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  • Jul 30 2018
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