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UUX - Web Portal (Admin Console)

Request: Allow for Admins only (MX Admin included) to edit an email address when creating an account in UUX or editing the email on an existing account.

Use Case: This functionality would be for scenarios when:

1. The email is added incorrectly (which happens quite often)

2. The email address has changed because of either last name change

3. Organizations changes their email addresses (new domain)

Request: Allow for Admins only (MX Admin included) to edit an email address when creating an account in UUX or editing an existing account.

This request should also include the ability to run an audit report of these types of changes.

  • Guest
  • Apr 28 2022
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 07, 2022 12:55

    Thanks a lot for sharing this method. I will follow this method and implement it on my website Metal Garden Screen.